Friday, December 10, 2010

December 5-10

This week was a total blur. I said my goodbyes, finished my souvenir shopping and helped out with the English club for the last two times. I was very sad and so where all of the students. However, the reality of m departure was still not clear. It felt as if I was not really leaving. It was a weird state of mind that i can not really explain nor know where to begin.
On wednesday, my last day and English class, three of the students ended up giving me gifts. I was more than greatful for all these relationships that my father had created. Each one had blessed me abundently with not only material gifts but also hopefully lasting relationships. I am really going to miss them and hope to someday see them all again. I am going to pray especially that I do.

November 28-December 4th

This is my last full week in Turkey. I have spent most of my time working on ministry and my relationships, and homework.

It is hard to believe how fast the time has gone. As I look into the future of going home it seems incredibly surreal.

This week I continued in my English classes and Saturday night bible study. We also went to our firends house again on thursday in the gececondo. We didn't wrestle this time but just talked and hung out. We drank a lot of tea. I probably had about 6-8 cups. We did however, end the night watching wrestling on TV.

This saturday was a very sad night. It was the last time I would ever see the majority of those people if not all. I am really going to miss every single one of them.

November 21-27th and the gospel Bird

Thanksgiving day was so much fun! We had many cakes, pies, and the rest of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. The family that I was staying with invited several other of our worker families on the field in order to celebrate.

This week we also continued in our English classes as well as our saturday night study. This saturday was a little different than usual though. A former church of my host families came over this saturday in order to have a meeting. This pastor, of a church in Kizilay, invited his entire congregation to this meeting on the previous sunday. Now there is something that you must know about this congregation. Now I am not trying to be racist but just follow me for a second. This congregation was about 99.9 % African origin from all over the world. On last sunday the pastor told this entire congregation of about 50-60 Africans that there would be KFC at the house for free. We had litterally 205 peices of chicken at this house and it was gone within two hours. That is counting all of the sides as well. Can you guess how many people come on saturday to the meeting? Almost every single one. We had a great laugh about the simple irony in the matter. The house had reached its capacity and more.

That night when everyone from the previous meeting had left we had another party to cook for. We decided to not have our every saturday bible study but, instead a party. We made a huge pot of oily spaghetti and seven big loaves of garlic bread. It was a great night full of good food, fellowship and not having to fight off the little kids.

November 14-20

This week everything was mostly the same. I was continuing to teach english on Mondays and Wednesdays. There was also another bible study on saturday where I would watch everyones kids and teach them bible stories. There are three children in general that come every saturday night to these studies. They are crazy and love to wrestle. I feel like I have to fight for my life everytime they come over. I went over to their house, which is a Gececondo, this thursday on the 18th with my host family. We ate çig kofte (which is like a dish of cracked wheat that is usually mixed up with raw beef) and baklava. It was a great meal. Shortly after that these kids picked up large pillows and there was officially war in their house. The smallest kid who was about 6 years old continued to turn the lights on and off to make to make the pillow fight a little more intense. We battled hard through several hours of sheer wreslting and pillow beatings. As the night came to an end the room looked as if a tornado had sturck it. The beds and their sheets were all mangled, everyone was sweating perfiously, and somehow someone had ripped out a an entire electric socket. That was clearly a night to remember.