Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nov. 7-13th

This week we did not have class on Monday. I was invited to a one of my Worker friends daughter's birthday party who just turned six. So we went bowlng, had some awesome oily spaghetti and finished it off with some cake and Ice cream. After we stuffed ourselves full of the delicious food the little girl opened all her presents and we ended with a good ole night.

On wednesday I was invited to go mountain biking with a friend. We ended up going to the tallest peak in Ankara. It was by far the most gorgeous sight that I have seen yet in Ankara. The only thing that I regret was that I forgot my camera. I really need to go back and take some pictures before I head back home to the States. By the time we got to the top it started to get dark out side and we had quite an elevation to descend on. I had a speedometer device placed on the bike so that I could know my speeds and times. Anyways on the way down the mountain it read that I topped out at 40 kmph. I dont care who you are thats pretty fast on a bike. On the way down the guy that I was with was a good ways a head of me. I started to catch up to him and I noticed that he had stopped. So I hit the breaks and I apparently did a wicked powerslide. I think it was about 15 feet before I utterly ate the dirt. It wasn't that bad but I did get some gnarly road rash on my knee and elbow. The ride was a lot of fun though and I really hope that there is a next time before I leave Turkey. By the time our ride was over I realized that I was late for my English class. So I rushed over to Kızılay to assist in teaching the class.

This Saturday, as usual as of late, I helped out with the kids again. This time one of the boys that is usually good, was a bit of a devil. He continued to be rambunctious and rebelious until he was eventually dealt with by one of the guys that was with us. This saturday we tried something new. We felt like we should try to teach them some stories or some kind of lesson. The past couple weekends we had given them coloring pages with memory verses. We would have a great time coloring and then every so often we would say the verse aloud. Most student would come the next weekend and recite the verse on their own in order to claim that they remembered the memory verse. This saturday we had another worker friend come in and she taught the class. I had a hard time understanding the story because my Turkish can only go so far and I also had to watch the kids. However, I did get the major premise of the story. It was about how we need to rely on God and how we can't do things on or own. I even got to play God at one point. I picked up the kids so that they could take the candy that I had previously taped to the ceiling.

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